Monday, September 29, 2008

Prescription Weight Loss Pills Types

Prescription weight loss pills are basically medications rather than supplements. They have a pretty solid background in their use as a way to lose weight and struggle obesity. There are several types of prescription weight loss pills according to the method of losing weight and solving relative tasks:

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  • Appetite suppressants. The most commonly used type of pills. They simply decrease our appetite or “cheating” our brain to feel full. Usually pills’ components affect our mood alongside. That affection results in less consumption of food and thus losing weight. The most known appetite suppressant is Phentermine.

  • Lipase inhibitors. Weight loss pills with lipase inhibitors as a primary component are blocking the enzyme lipase which break down dietary fat. This prevent fat from being absorbed by our body and calorie intake reduces. Xenical is an example.

  • Off-label used drugs. This is a vast amount of different medications for treatment of depression, seizures, diabetes and other. Doctors can recommend these pills, as some of them really lead to weight loss – although they are not FDA-approved weight loss pills. Studies showed that in some cases the patients taking such pills lost weight during the treatment period. But we should remember that prescribing these Prescription weight loss pills is fully the doctor’s responsibility. There are natural weight loss supplements that are developed specially for losing weight and containing mix of herbs and nutrients helping our body to lose weight safe and with no side effects.

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